What happens when you play with the default settings on your gift card page on your site? Probably a lot more than you think! Get a focus on conversions with just a few tweaks to your retail gift card page. Here’s where we have seen huge changes for clients.
Write like a journalist.
You’ll achieve the biggest improvements by changing your headline’s core message Headlines are extremely important. If your visitors don’t like the headline, they won’t read any further. A simple yet effective approach is to express your main message in a headline that provides your top benefits of your gift cards – whether it’s time saving, always delighting, perfect for every occasion or similar.Frame your costs. Use your compelling text to frame the positives of a gift card. £20 may sound too much for a gift -so highlight the alternative – driving to the store, selecting an item, getting a card, wrapping it, posting it – it all adds up.
Try making the “Call-to-Action” button nice and visible.
Large, brightly coloured buttons often convert better—they draw the reader’s attention. This is a great test to run on your B2C pages.Remove clutter. What you share either increases the conversion rate or decreases it—or just takes up space. What images are you showing? How are seasonal campaigns performing? Use eye tracking software to see what happens when people land on your page!
If you’d like more insights, speak to us today!