Is your gift card programme thriving with consumer sales, but you’ve got a feeling it could do even better in the B2B space? You’re probably right to believe your instincts. Now is the time to get a slice of the B2B gift card market.
In 2020, the Gift Card & Voucher Association (GCVA) reported that B2B gift card sales grew by 26.3%, with employee benefits accounting for two thirds of these sales. But perhaps you’re not sure whether now is the right time to totally switch your approach.
The good news is there’s a way to stay in B2C and also open up the B2B market – using third party distributors. Instead of limiting sales to your site and sticking with the same strategy, you get the reach from a broader market, without the risks of going in alone.
While it’s simple, it isn’t easy. You need to preserve your brand identity, manage multiple partners, and control discounts. If you need a solid understanding on the best way to get started, speak to us.
We have the experience and international network to guide you on the partners to work with and the pitfalls to avoid, working side by side as your partner.
Let’s Talk!