Getting business buy in for Gift cards in 2023

As 2023 comes closer, you may need to consider your approaches to getting buy-in to change your gift card program. Here are some areas you may want to update – and some quick advice.

♻️ Do your cards need an eco-friendly facelift?
Some stats suggest that over 60% of consumers are interested in eco-friendly initiatives from the brands they support, so if you’re not already doing something in this area, it’s time to start. You could use recycled materials for your cards or packaging or even donate a percentage of sales to an environmental cause.

#️⃣ Does your gift card program need serious marketing investment?
If you want to make a big impact with your gift card program, you’ll need to invest time and money into marketing it effectively. Think about your packaging, your point-of-sale materials, and your overall approach. From influencers to PPC (Pay-per-click) – this is the year to find your silver bullet.

🧑‍💻 Does your gift card technology need an update?
You need a robust system to track and manage gift card sales and is able to give you an overview of all your partners with proper dashboard for you to be able to better optimize your sales. Check out our latest tech solution: GiftCards Store. It will make your Gift card program much smoother. Get a guide and decide for yourself

Want help in implementing any of the above? Allow us!

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