Our budget is planned- is it too late to get into gift cards?

  • Did you know that on average, each retailer generated $2.6 million in income from digital gift card sales in December 2020? With a 121.1% increase from the previous year, and stats soon to show how they fared in 2021 with a predicted boom, you may be worried that with a pre allocated budget for 2022 with no budget for gift cards that you’ve missed a huge opportunity. 

    What would we suggest brands do to get into gift cards without ANY budget allocation? 

    First- we would suggest speaking to your payment provider to see if they have a gift card function to add on. While the code delivered may be simple and delivered in a basic manner and with manual intervention, without personalization or instant delivery, it could certainly help prove concepts. 

    We would then suggest sweet talking marketing to create an optimized page for your digital gift cards, focusing on SEO for your brand name + gift card.

    To promote, consider asking if gift cards can be added as an alternative call to action in an existing campaign.

    For example, perhaps during Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day, gift cards could be proposed as an alternative option, and gift cards can be added to a footer of each email. You can also utilize space such as your social media links, email signature and social campaigns in between core campaign work to get the message out. Use a trackable link with a UTM code to prove the traffic source and gather data – all ready for next year! 

    Want a few more secrets? We save the best for the people who reach out directly! Contact us today for an informal, no obligation chat on how to create a quick and simple gift card program with no budget.