Last week our team attended the IMA Europe Paris Meet.
The event had a great lineup of speakers and panelists. A wide range of topics were addressed.
These are some of the major highlights and takeaways for us:
- Work-life balance is more important than ever. Organizations need to build on improving this balance for their employees in order to retain good talent. (Panel discussion with Jane Viljoen, Mike Framer and Fintan Connolly)
- 91.1% of carbon emission in the incentive industry happens from where customers spend their bought gift cards. (Severin Prats)
- GenZ experience more fomo (Fear of Missing Out) than millennials. Although they are much more entrepreneurial and resourceful. They are also the first generation who do not know a world without the internet. (Denis Huré).
- Employees prefer a wide range of rewards in the French market. Some of them include: e-gift vouchers (10%), Salary bonus (17%), Gifts (29%), Group Trips (13%), etc. (Hervé BALANTZIAN)
- Companies in France can give a gift of up to 171€ in 10 events free of tax. (Marie Brigitte Vallat & Boris Jottreau)
- Blockchain is like a chain of boxes with information stores in them.
There were so many more insights shared. Thank you to all the speakers and panelists for sharing their experiences and knowledge.
Cannot wait for Amsterdam!
Did not get a chance to meet our team in Paris? No worries, write us an email and we will schedule a call: info@rlc-solutions.com